Pay-per-click Landing Pages

A Single Page. A Million Sales.

Increase your conversion rates with highly-optimized and efficient pay-per-click landing pages.
Once your potential retail customers click through your pay-per-click ads, they must land on an effective landing page for you to convert them. A conversion occurs when a visitor to your landing page takes the desired action you want, such as a purchase, download, phone call or filling out a form. At Onsavii we ensure you have high conversion rates by developing strategies through the following;

  • Writing persuasive copy
  • Designing neat and easy-to-read landing pages
  • Include a relevant and prominent call to action
  • Remove elements that may distract eye path from flow toward the goal
  • Setting up split A-B testing landing pages
  • Use of your logos and color to highlight your brand.
  • Including form capture on the landing page and notification when submitted
  • Measuring the actual number of contacts coming from the landing page
  • Track key performance on all pages and constantly testing the landing pages
  • Optimize the PPC landing pages for improved natural search

A great landing page always includes the above listed aspects. Adopting these tactics will keep your potential clients involved and prompt them to take the desired action you choose. To create great landing pages that meet your business objectives Contact us

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