Every year, almost a hundred million startups are launched around the world. But how many of them will prosper? Not all! Despite insurmountable odds, there are startups that become some of the most successful companies on the planet. Are you ready to be one of them?


Here are crucial guidelines for maximizing your efforts and going from startup to global leader. Let’s dive into the top 10 tips for how to expand your brand and become a leading company in your field.


1. Out-of-Home Advertising


All businesses can benefit from this medium, especially those who have just started their path. OOH advertising works well for showcasing your product in physical locations. It provides immediate visibility and access, reeling in real-time customers and conversions. This type of branding comes in a variety of forms.


Huge Branding Solutions

Want to know powerful ways to get the word out about your products and your brand? Start by using bold branding signs on the facade of your venue to garner attention. Pylon signs are a prominent type of outdoor signage that offer visibility from afar. Over time, a well-designed pylon display will make your startup stand out and become a well-known local brand.


Public Transportation

Every day, thousands of people travel from one place to another using various means of transportation. Many startups can benefit from placing advertisements on taxis, buses, company vehicles and even bicycles. Publicizing your services on-the-go is a no-brainer.


Guerilla Advertising

Startups can use natural elements of their surrounding environment to encourage engagement and achieve recognition. This can include painting benches with brand colors or showcasing your products in an artistic way that fits the corresponding natural space.


2. Event Sponsoring


Sponsoring events has an essential place in marketing. It can help your firm enhance brand recognition and get noticed by a massive audience. Events are a great opportunity to advertise your brand and leverage your story. This is where you present your startup and turn one-time visitors into life-long clients.


3. Press Release and News Articles


News and press releases are creative marketing strategies for startups that every company should aim for in a strategic way. People check public forums and news on a regular basis and many local media outlets will eagerly publish on the topic of your launch. This is a low-cost approach to having your business recognized while also gaining quality backlinks. News articles can be a cost-effective sales technique if you do all of the legwork yourself, including tracking out and collaborating with relevant journalists.


4. Content Promotions


This marketing strategy can take on numerous forms, none of which require a big financial investment. The most straightforward option is to maintain an on-site blog and update it on a regular basis with SEO content. The content may include infographics, videos and stories that inform or entertain your viewers in a distinctive way. Why? All of these forms of communication help to boost your brand’s reputation and create inbound traffic. According to a HubSpot study, businesses that have blogs bring 126% percent more leads than those that don’t.


5. Email Marketing


This is a pivotal strategy in startup marketing endeavors. Build your email list first. If your startup has a website, even better! Consider including a newsletter with a registration form in it. A segmented email list will control information that your target users prefer to read and view. Then, produce high-quality email content to increase open and conversion rates. Don’t sound too promotional! Instead, add value to your emails with manuals, videos, and how-to articles.


6. Search Engine Optimization


SEO is one of the most successful tactics used to increase web traffic. Make sure to optimize your website with SERP optimized keywords to direct viewers to your page when browsing. SEO plays an important role for every startup. It maximizes organic traffic generated by search engines at no additional cost. This makes it an excellent tool for all modern brands, especially for startups that still need to balance their checkbooks. SEO also produces long-term results and boosts your brand’s credibility for the future.


7. Social Media Marketing


It goes without saying that your audience is more than likely present on social media. According to the Statista Research Department, 4.2 billion people use social networking worldwide. It goes without saying that you should create accounts for your company and start distributing content tailored to your brand and target audience. Leverage a marketing automation tool to post updates to your pages quickly and easily. Schedule posts in advance to keep your profiles up-to-date. Another advantage of social media is the ability to track analytics such as how many people click on your links. This will help you figure out which platforms and pieces of content are the most beneficial for promoting your startup.


8. Shares and References


One of the most effective means of brand promotion is to establish a method that allows customers to advertise on your behalf. Consumers are more likely to purchase a product when it’s recommended by a friend. Setting up a referral program is not as costly as you may think. Offer your clients a price reduction on their subscriptions or a cash payout in return for introducing your brand to a new consumer. You can also do this by creating content that people naturally want to share, including photos of your space or products.


9. Paid Search Advertising


This method helps to gain instant brand recognition and produce quick results. Pay-per-click advertising features keyword targeting and cost-per-click pricing mechanisms. With this method, you’ll only be charged for the number of times someone clicks on your ad. To be more effective, you should study the basics of Google AdWords as this is where PPC advertising takes place.


10. Mobile Optimization


Mobile devices account for more than half of the traffic on Google so a huge portion of your audience engages your site via a mobile device. Having a website that’s smart-phone optimized is critical for any startup. A huge variety of mobile-optimized CMS programs and templates make it simple to create mobile-friendly websites. Make sure your site isn’t overburdened with media so that it’s easy to navigate it on-the-go by mobile.


11. Marketing Automation


By automating your outreach activities, you can spend less time on routine chores. Marketing automation tools allow marketers to digitize repetitive tasks and concentrate on more important ones. You can automate a variety of business operations and outreach activities such as content distribution, audience segmentation and conversion tracking.


Final Thoughts


It’s no secret that marketing is a lifeline for most startups. People can’t use your services – regardless of how excellent they are –  unless they’re aware of what you offer. Once people know about your brand, it’s time to enhance your involvement and draw more profit with well-defined marketing strategies. With the right ones, you can make it out alive and even thrive.


A successful marketing strategy will expand your customer base and increase sales for your startup. Apply corresponding tactics to breathe life into your advertising initiatives. Go for a practical and budget-friendly start. Once you establish a steady foundation with these, you’ll have more flexibility to invest in bigger and more expensive projects in the future.


This article was written by Startup Info and was originally found here: 10 Types of Advertising to Promote Your Startup Effectively